Jun 13·edited Jun 15Liked by Aimee Byrd

There is something paradoxical or strange in our brokenness - in our unwillingness and avoidance (through numbing/distractions as you mentioned) I am discovering- it is not until we have an inbreaking (those Kairos moments, often to pain, loss, suffering, the breaking of ourselves through life circumstances, etc), that we often begin to have eyes to see those doors, those kingdom realities that were there all along. Those who have their inner worlds broken and shattered often have the keenest sensitivity and quietness to perceive beauty, goodness, hope and blessing around them. It's almost like developing a 6th sense for blessing & goodness. But we are hardwired to avoid the pain within, and something (usually external) must break those defenses and bulwarks we erect out of self-protection. I think another reason we build walls is a false sense of control that we all crave. The precariousness to a world and kingdom realities where we aren't in charge deeply disorients and pretty much frightens us. We link certainty with hope (which I beginning to see the nuanced struggles of that). Find it interesting that Jesus' parables are about kingdom realities within ordinary things that we miss and are blind to everyday. Good stuff, Aimee.

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So true. Hope is disruptive and it often takes a moment of disillusionment to reveal that we've been looking the wrong way.

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@Jenai Auman You’re the little hummingbird and I’m the bot doodle. 🥰 Can’t thank you enough!!

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Bordoodle. Darn autocorrect. 😏

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As I’m reading this, doors I didn’t even know existed are being opened. Thank you for putting words to my experience!

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I love this!

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I feel this deeply. Thank you.

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Jun 13Liked by Aimee Byrd

This has to be one of the most chilling lines I’ve ever read: “you will become indifferent to life and even grow to hate it.”

I don’t want that to happen to me.

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Yes, chilling!

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Jun 13Liked by Aimee Byrd

Heaven’s nostalgia ™️ love it.

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